Honey and Spice Butterflied Lamb

Buy boned, butterflied lamb legs for a sophisticated but easily carved dinner. These legs take no time to bake. Lamb fat congeals at a low temperature, so it's important to heat the plates before serving the dish. Most of the fat is on the outside rather than in strips marbling the meat so, if desired, cut off the fat after cooking to save on calories and saturated fat.

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Chili-Rubbed Chicken Breasts with Honey Sauce

Whole chicken breasts are ideal for grilling, as the skin doesn't burn and the chicken cooks on the bones. I usually cut the bones away with a small sharp knife when I take them off the grill. Don't worry about the amount of ancho chili powder - it is not as hot as regular chili powder. If you can't find ancho chili powder, replace with two-thirds the quantity of regular chili powder. Serve with sweet potatoes and green peas.


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