Israeli Couscous with Spinach and Garlic Cream

Israeli couscous has a larger grain than the more familiar Moroccan version. The pea-sized wheat bits can be found in many grocery stores alongside rice and is sometimes labelled as super couscous, maftoul or pearl couscous. Unlike Moroccan couscous, Israeli couscous can be prepared in the same way as pasta, by boiling in salted water or chicken stock.

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Creamed Leeks And Spinach With Eggs On Top

If you want to serve more people, this recipe is easily doubled, using two baking dishes. For the simplest serving, you can make them individually in ramekins (they will take a little less time to bake). The leek and spinach mixture can be prepared a few days ahead – keep it in the fridge until you’re ready to bake. Reheat it for five minutes in the oven before adding eggs and continuing with recipe. 

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